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S Army helps fight addiction

Category: Portfolio Dic 14, 2015 Hits: 775

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA ( - The fight against addiction is a tough battle where one must stand with courage and take precaution. Since the enemy can be found just about anywhere, it often takes an army to win.

In North Las Vegas, that legion comes in the form of The Salvation Army's Men's Adult Rehabilitation Program at 211 Judson Ave.

"This program is aimed at giving men and women the access to tools for a lifelong sobriety," said Lt. David McDaniel, administrator of the program. The free six-month, faith-based rehabilitation program is offered within a residential rehabilitation facility. It is supported through donations and purchases from The Salvation Army's family stores and boutiques. The women's facility, which also is located in North Las Vegas, can host 28 "beneficiaries," as the residents are called, and the men's facility 87.

Prior to entering the program, beneficiaries must fill out a questionnaire, which they can pick up at the men's facility. There, they can also meet with intake coordinator Joe Lazi.

"We have them fill out a questionnaire to find out if the person is ready for treatment," Lazi said. "We look at their willingness and level of motivation. Nine years ago, this placed saved my life, and I know it can save other lives, too."

Beneficiaries who enter the program must be detoxed, and their stay can be court-ordained or they can come on their own.

Once beneficiaries enter the program, they are asked not to bring anything. They are immediately provided with a room, clothing and hygiene items.

"During the first 30-day initiation/orientation period, they are not allowed to have contact with the outside world. They're not allowed a phone, visitation or sign-outs," McDaniel said. "They can send and receive mail, but during this time, we want them to just worry about themselves."

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